الأحد، 15 مايو 2011

earth hour toronto

earth hour toronto. WWF-UKs Earth Hour 2010 (Group)
  • WWF-UKs Earth Hour 2010 (Group)

  • J Radical
    Dec 2, 09:24 AM
    OS X isn't perfect, and it's unreasonable to expect that it will never ever be breached.

    That said, Apple have done a great job thus far. My worry isn't so much individual (trivial?) exploits, but rather that OS X would go down the XP route and require constant patching. The last thing Apple needs is to have to fight fires in the same way Microsoft has had to with XP.

    Security is a key selling point for the mac platform and it is essential that Apple maintain their advantage with the vastly improved Vista fast approaching.

    I hope Apple will address these problems with the urgency they merit.

    earth hour toronto. Facebook for Earth Hour.
  • Facebook for Earth Hour.

  • LethalWolfe
    Apr 30, 01:07 AM
    I'm not sure at what price point predatory pricing becomes an issue, but I would think that Amazon may have crossed that line.
    Predatory pricing becomes an issue for Amazon after it dominates the market place and sets its prices significantly lower than the competition in an attempt to drive them out of business. So, let Amazon capture 70% or 80% more of the legal music download market and then maybe bring up predatory pricing.

    If Amazon is selling music at a loss per song, then the FTC might have a say about that.
    Has no one in this thread heard of a 'loss leader' before? Movie tickets at a theater? Loss leader. Gas from a gas station? Loss leader. Anything on sale (especially Black Friday)? Loss leader. iTunes Store? Yup, some loss leading going on there too.

    Link (http://www.theregister.co.uk/2003/11/07/your_99c_belong/)
    "We would like to break even/make a little bit of money but it's not a money maker," he said, candidly.
    When the conversation turned to rivals such as eTunes and Napster, Jobs said: "They don't make iPods, so they don't have a related business where they do [make money]".

    Link (http://www.businessinsider.com/2008/5/steve-jobs-movie-deal-a-loss-leader-for-apple)

    iTunes' big studio deal announced yesterday? It's going to be an expensive one for Steve Jobs who's taking a loss on each film sold. Some terms from the WSJ: Apple (APPL) is paying $16 to the studios for each new release, and will sell the films to consumers for $14.99.


    earth hour toronto. celebrate Earth Hour 2009.
  • celebrate Earth Hour 2009.

  • Evangelion
    Jul 12, 01:29 AM
    wireless (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Wi-Max whatever)? I used to think that this was a cool thing to have in an iPod. an iPod with internet radio capability sounds like a really cool idea. I'm lukewarm about now.

    I'm not. What would I like to see from Apple? What would my ideal iPod be like? Let's explore the possibilities.

    Bluetooth-headphones. This would kick ass. No more wires that get tangled up. And it CAN be done!

    Large touch-screen. No separate controls, the controls would be right in the display (like in the image that was linked before in this thread).

    And before you say "but there would be fingerprints on the screen! And it wouldn't provide any tactile feedback!". Ah, but how about that "no-touch" controls that have been rumored? I have no idea that is it really possible, but what if? You could simply hover you finger 1cm from the screen and use the controls. No fingerprints. As to the tactile feedback.... Tactile feedback is used that you know where the controls are without actually looking at the screen. "No-touch" UI does not have this, because you aren't actually touching anything. So how do we make this work? Well, what if you could just put your finger close to the screen ANYWHERE on the screen. If you do circlular motion (like in current iPod) the device would scroll, adjust volume, and do the other things you can do on the current iPod. If you move your finger straigh up, it would be equivaltnof clicking "menu". Straight down would be play/pause and so forth.

    As to WLAN and the like.... What if the new iPod could be tied to iChat? You could VOIP to/from the iPod. just turn on the wireless, and browse to the "buddy list" menu on your iPod, and you are all set. Hell, the iPod could have a camera as well! if they can put video-cameras on phones, is there any reason why iPod couldn't have one?

    if we assume that the "no-touch" UI is possible, then nothing I have listed is impossible. iPod with those specs would be YEARS ahead of any other device on the market! It would absolutely embarrass all the other devices.

    earth hour toronto. Earth+hour+2011+toronto
  • Earth+hour+2011+toronto

  • Waybo
    Apr 14, 08:58 PM

    C&C welcomed & appreciated, as always.

    ISO 400, 21mm, f/4.5, 1/1000

    earth hour toronto. Earth Hour illustration by
  • Earth Hour illustration by

  • ratzzo
    Apr 22, 04:24 PM
    They should really keep the teardrop design to the Air.. it wouldn't really fit the iPhone, which is a phone after all. If that were a true design to come, I wonder just how awkward holding it could be.

    Bigger displays are always welcome. I was already going to get an iP5 (got a BB Bold) anyway. Awesome for screen size, not so much for the design.. which seems suspiciously thin.

    earth hour toronto. dimmed for 2010 Earth Hour
  • dimmed for 2010 Earth Hour

  • AmpSkillz
    Apr 28, 09:42 AM
    "Mobile Phone Track" survey ???

    Ahhh they are tracking us

    seriously though this is not a surprise

    i imagine the next iphone will be on all networks and the iphone 4 sales will still be strong as well at a lower price

    should even the game a little with Android

    earth hour toronto. Earth Hour Global#39;s
  • Earth Hour Global#39;s

  • Abstract
    Dec 30, 01:36 PM
    Creative positioning + bed with a good bit of "give", e.g. Memory Foam = enjoyment without that "crushing" feeling.
    Nothing should have to remember such an experience. Not even a mattress.

    earth hour toronto. In Pictures: Earth Hour in
  • In Pictures: Earth Hour in

  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 22, 11:39 AM
    If I was the judge to rule on all of this, I would disband both companies.

    earth hour toronto. Earth Hour Tonight!
  • Earth Hour Tonight!

  • FtrV8
    Apr 22, 04:15 PM
    Redesign that quick? But than again, a delay till September might be the reason. Who know, sure looks bad ass though.

    earth hour toronto. Earth Hour: Hit Or Miss
  • Earth Hour: Hit Or Miss

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 26, 12:24 PM
    Amazon charges its cloud service too. Why should Apple give anything away for free? :rolleyes:

    I guess the point is that the base service should be free. I don't demand that from Apple but storing 2GB worth of 'my songs' should be free.

    earth hour toronto. Hydro Control Room Earth Hour
  • Hydro Control Room Earth Hour

  • kernkraft
    Jun 6, 06:36 PM
    OMG!!!!!!!!!!! My brother actually did this!!!!!!! This article is about my brother!!!!!!!!!!!! NO JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By the way, he is 10 not 11

    In that case, don't read the comments. Some people blame your parents and your brother, big time.

    I'm on your side, kid. Accidents happen.

    earth hour toronto. earth-hour-toronto1
  • earth-hour-toronto1

  • Eidorian
    May 3, 08:06 AM
    Finally, a quad core desktop class machine (in processors only I suppose) with ample I/O and a decent . . . . for Apple . . . . price.

    Shocked that Apple would give us TWO TBolt ports on the 27" with quad core across the line.

    The $1700 has my cheap side tingling but my professional side is telling me to wait for a Mac Pro update so I can at least consider a machine I can expand myself.

    On the plus side, that 21.5" is not a bad machine for the price.Once again, the iMac packs more processing power than the Mac Pro. (Even if you have a single hex-core.)

    earth hour toronto. Earth Hour Toronto - dark towers. Only the exit lights on the tower floors have been left on during earth hour 2009 - and the bank logos have been turned
  • Earth Hour Toronto - dark towers. Only the exit lights on the tower floors have been left on during earth hour 2009 - and the bank logos have been turned

  • vtran
    Nov 29, 03:52 PM
    my christmas wishlist 2010

    this is what i want
    soo ready for an upgrade from the 1st gen ipod touch

    backup for movies and pictures just case anything happens

    a 32inch tv lcd or led

    what i really need:
    -new house to come through for my family because we've waited for like 6 months to hear back
    -clothes from american eagle, forever21, H&M, urban outfitters, and etc...

    most importantly
    -to spend the holidays/any time off from school with my family & friends but especially my bestfriend that moved away this week

    earth hour toronto. Earth Hour on March 26,
  • Earth Hour on March 26,

  • lordonuthin
    Oct 28, 12:45 AM
    sounds good! you'll really stack up on points then! what kind of motherboard do you have with the 920?

    also, how are your amd machines doing?

    1/Athlon X2 4400+ ~20 min/frame/normal wu on XFX GeForce 8200 board
    2/Athlon X2 4400+ ~20 min/frame/normal wu on XFX GeForce 8200
    3/Athlon X2 4400+ ~20 min/frame/normal wu on XFX GeForce 8200
    4/Athlon X2 4400+ ~20 min/frame/normal wu on XFX GeForce 8200
    5/Phenom X4 9600 ~12 min/frame/normal wu on Gigabyte MA78GM-S2H
    6/Phenom II X4 965 black ~5-6 min/frame/normal wu on Asus M4479T Deluxe

    7/MSI X58 Pro w/ i7 920 ~3-4 min/frame/normal wu
    8/'09 Mac Pro 2x Xeon 5550 26 min 40 sec /frame/bigadv wu

    earth hour toronto. sabres for Earth Hour.
  • sabres for Earth Hour.

  • blipmusic
    Apr 18, 04:06 AM
    Any have a guess guess what this might mean for the 11"? Will that have to be even more of a compromise? I'm worried the C2D/320M might be a better option for me if Apple go for Sandy Bridge and have to cut even more corners on the 11" due to even harsher space/energy drain constraints.

    If the CPU option for an 11" bump is only a marginal performance increase (*if* Apple choose to bump this summer), the nVidia GPU seems too good to lose.

    I can't/don't need to buy right now but it seems I might be good off planning it a bit.

    As for the gaming comments, give it up already. Personally, I want *one* (1) computer and I want to to be as portable as possible. That means both work and entertainment, some of that being the occasional game. And I realize it'll be a compromise. I won't buy it for the sake of gaming but why should that stop me from trying a few of them out?

    There are a lot of games out there, some being more playable than others on an MBA. Don't expect everyone to "need"/want max detail at native resolution @60fps. I'm fine with fps dips and low/med details. If it plays it plays. It's as if the MBA could only ever do monochrome text games. Can we stop seeing the world in an "either it'll be the best ***** ever, or it'll blow chunks" kind of way? Things are bit more nuanced than that.

    I'm wondering if we are underestimating hardware nowadays. To me it looks pretty nice, *especially* at the "low" end.

    earth hour toronto. Earth Hour and Toronto
  • Earth Hour and Toronto

  • goombamd
    May 3, 08:38 AM
    Waiting for ivy bridge (2012) which will come with USB3 standard unless Apple somehow purposefully downgrades to USB2. Then you won't have to get a Thunderbolt to USB3 hub (if one will ever come out) to use the more standard peripherals. I already have a USB3 external hard drive which works on my Mac at USB2 speeds... :(

    USB3 is really going to remain the standard, unfortunately... at least for a few years. There are just too many USB peripherals around.

    earth hour toronto. Toronto Earth Hour – March 29,
  • Toronto Earth Hour – March 29,

  • SeattleMoose
    Apr 13, 07:29 PM
    this is soooooo 2010.

    earth hour toronto. Toronto Tours amp; Activities
  • Toronto Tours amp; Activities

  • diamornte
    Apr 12, 11:04 AM
    omfg i am never going to buy apple products again because of this, how dare they, no way, the world is going to end


    earth hour toronto. A chidlren#39;s choir sings One by U2 to kick off Earth Hour 2011, Allan Gardens, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
  • A chidlren#39;s choir sings One by U2 to kick off Earth Hour 2011, Allan Gardens, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

  • metalboy4
    Apr 14, 03:42 PM
    Hmmm, strange. A lot of people got caught out by that little check box, which is why I posted it.

    Yeah, check box doesn't matter. No playcount updates. Can anyone confirm if it fixed in this new version? I will have to wait till I get home late this evening to test.

    Oct 24, 08:14 AM
    Yea... WHERE THE [censored] ARE THE MACBOOKS?! I want a Core 2 Duo MacBook, not MacBook Pro :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

    Me too!!!! Interesting that they'd spend so much time updating the MacBook web pages as well as the pro, and not put in an upgrade...

    Interesting quote from the UK store MBP Buy now :

    "Intel Core 2 Duo processor
    Powered by two processor cores on a single chip, MacBook performs up to five times faster than the previous generation iBook."

    Looks like the copywriters thought they'd be upgraded too... :eek:

    They've upgraded the store pages for all the products, not just the MBP...

    Apr 9, 07:42 PM
    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5190/5604434532_bf3647c0ff_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/22077805@N07/5604434532/)

    Jan 27, 09:30 AM
    Returned the Powerbeats by Dre and got Phillips SHQ3007.


    Mar 8, 08:41 AM
    My understanding is they are considering Rob Lowe as a replacement

    Hmmm... Really. That would be interesting but he doesn't have the same feel as a Charlie Sheen IMHO. That might be interesting thou.

    Da Dealer
    Dec 8, 03:18 PM
    it still wont run on hulu

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