الاثنين، 16 مايو 2011

xbox 360 logo png

xbox 360 logo png. File:Xbox portal logo.png
  • File:Xbox portal logo.png

  • GekkePrutser
    Apr 22, 08:12 AM
    Yeah I'm sure it can be done, but it could have needed a redesign of the keyboard backlight, so they could have left it to the next generation.

    For example, the old-style backlight such as present on the MBP's, seems to have a whole load of visible 'dots', either separate LEDs or glass fibres or something. Either way there's a bunch of bright dots around the keys. I noticed this all the time because on my old MBP the backspace key was tilted forward a bit so the bright dots came into view at the edge and it was actually fairly annoying. This way of building a keyboard backlight is probably relatively thick.

    They could replace this setup with a simple layer of Electroluminescent foil, or a lightspreader such as used behind an LCD screen. That requires only the thickness of the foil, and a slightly thicker edge at one end where the light goes into it, but that can be placed at the thickest part of the device. Apple manages to put a backlight in the extremely slim screen of the MBA so this should be possible as well. It probably won't be as light as direct LEDs underneath each key but it should be sufficient in situations where you really need it. I always ran my key backlight at the very lowest setting anyway.

    So I won't be surprised if it makes its way back. I guess the more people will complain, the more incentive Apple will have to design something that will fit.

    xbox 360 logo png. And Achivements – Xbox 360
  • And Achivements – Xbox 360

  • Cougarcat
    Mar 31, 01:04 PM
    I guess now that Macs are only 20% of revenue, we're getting the "B-team" developers and designers.

    Bad interfaces based on silly metaphors isn't a new phenomenon at Apple. May I remind you of this abomination?


    xbox 360 logo png. Wouhu und meine XBox 360 Elite
  • Wouhu und meine XBox 360 Elite

  • cult hero
    Apr 15, 08:30 PM
    At one point, Apple got it certified as UNIX, so OS X is a UNIX platform, not just UNIX-like. Linux is probably fairly close to being able to be UNIX certified as well, but there is a money outlay that nobody wants to spend. To top it off, UNIX certification means zilch to the Linux community, so why would anyone pay to have it certified? I'm not even sure how Apple benefitted from their certification.

    I believe Apple got the certification because they were calling themselves UNIX prior to getting the certification and it had to do with legalities. I do know, at least at the time, it ONLY applied to Leopard running on Intel machines because of how the certification works.

    It's paper and nothing more. Whenever some Mac weenie is like "we're REAL UNIX unlike Linux" I know I can safely just slap him. Certification means very little. Actual POSIX compliance�among other things�is what matters.

    xbox 360 logo png. the Xbox 360 Fancast this
  • the Xbox 360 Fancast this

  • reynavictor
    Apr 12, 12:23 PM
    Great news as I'm eligible for an upgrade in September.

    xbox 360 logo png. Wii and Xbox 360 on Nov.
  • Wii and Xbox 360 on Nov.

  • inkswamp
    Apr 15, 02:16 AM
    I believe that it isn't suggesting anything at all. When you go to list the devices that your application is compatible with, that is likely just an exposed extra field for if you wanted to include another device that is capable. It is in my opinion, nothing but a little bug. (Though emulating iOS apps om my Mac would be cool :P)

    That's what I'm thinking. I bet the code that generates that list of devices was just cut and pasted from somewhere else and someone got an extra one in there with this mysterious ix.Mac... thing in place as boilerplate code. I bet it means nothing.

    However, if I were told it was indeed a new device and had to take a guess, I'd say it's becoming more and more likely that Apple is going to try to leverage the popularity of iOS to sell more laptops. Imagine a laptop with a touch screen that somehow could lay down flat and switch into an iOS mode, not emulated, but the real thing. Basically, it would be a laptop that could convert into an iPad. I can imagine a lot of interest in a single device that can run both OS X and iOS.

    xbox 360 logo png. I made this theme for Xbox 360
  • I made this theme for Xbox 360

  • doctorossi
    Apr 14, 01:07 PM
    When is the Verizon iPhone going to get the 4.3 love?

    I doubt it will. I'm expecting parity to arrive with 5.0.

    xbox 360 logo png. Xbox 360! Yay!
  • Xbox 360! Yay!

  • AAPLaday
    May 2, 03:22 AM
    Great news! Shame its taken so long but at least we got him eventually! :D

    Now lets hope this is declared a national holiday and Apple releases the new iMac with a discount to celebrate :D

    xbox 360 logo png. 2009 in Xbox 360 Games
  • 2009 in Xbox 360 Games

  • bobdude5
    Mar 17, 07:27 AM
    Already about 10 people at spectrum..looks a person slept overnight..brought a full on bed

    xbox 360 logo png. Xbox 360 Game Cheats
  • Xbox 360 Game Cheats

  • iSee
    Apr 16, 06:27 PM
    Why would you need 64 bit for a MBA? To fly off those huge sample libraries that the processor would lock up over?
    64 bit is only for massive memory allocations and a MBA doesn't even have the CPU to pull it off... :rolleyes:

    At this point I think it's mainly a matter of keeping the platform unified. Why support two kernals longer than you have to? The sooner Apple makes 64-bit the default, the sooner they can dump the 32-bit kernal altogether.

    xbox 360 logo png. Nintendo Wii vs Microsoft Xbox
  • Nintendo Wii vs Microsoft Xbox

  • 100Teraflops
    Apr 2, 09:01 PM
    As explained above, I hope the photo is not a link.

    Here are the specs: iso 100, 120mm, 0 EV, f/5.6, 1/250.

    EDIT: Not too bad! Obviously, the raw file looks better. I was photographing this squirrel who was about 15-20 feet away from me and he/she ran to me, stopped, posed, and ran away. :) The squirrel was super close to me, like 4 feet or so.

    xbox 360 logo png. Nintendo Wii Searches.png
  • Nintendo Wii Searches.png

  • res1233
    Apr 23, 01:02 AM
    You miss the point. I did not investigate the details about the number of chips. Not everyone cares. The point here is that there many people who want LTE and the there is Apple with their "single phone fits all" strategy. Here is a piece of relevant information for you from Information Week:

    "In its recently quarterly earnings report, Verizon Wireless noted that more than 500,000 customers signed up for LTE services and/or devices during its most recent quarter. Add that to the 65,000 who signed up in December, and Verizon has about 565,000 people using its next-generation wireless network. At this rate, Verizon may have more than 2 million 4G users by the end of the year.
    Of the 500,000 who signed up for 4G services this quarter, more than half (260,000) chose a 4G phone--the HTC Thunderbolt--that went on sale in mid-March. It scored a significant number of customers in its first two weeks of availability. That means between January 1 and March 15, about 240,000 people purchased other 4G devices, such as USB modems."

    As you can see 260K people bought HTC Thunderbolt since Verizon started selling them (about a month). This translates to about 3 million phones annually. Clearly the demand is there. Also, you keep forgetting that other phones have swappable batteries.

    What do you don't seem to understand is that most people would rather not have to keep swapping the battery in their phone throughout the day, nor should anyone have to. There is demand for LTE, yes, but 4 hours of battery life is not what i would call good. What good is your phone to you if the battery is dead? You may be fine with switching your battery twice a day, but i think the majority of us would rather have a phone that we know is reliable and wont die on us. Also, 3G is good enough for me for now, and I know I'm not alone. When LTE/3G hybrid chips are here, i will welcome it.

    xbox 360 logo png. News stories from Wikinews
  • News stories from Wikinews

  • iSamurai
    Apr 22, 09:38 AM
    That's just another reason to upgrade from the iPhone 4 in 2012 :)

    xbox 360 logo png. Xbox 360
  • Xbox 360

  • Brien
    Mar 11, 07:40 PM
    Brea Mall is out of all 16 wifi models as of 10 mins ago.

    xbox 360 logo png. logodelacomunidad.png logo
  • logodelacomunidad.png logo

  • GuitarDTO
    Apr 30, 07:41 AM
    I don't buy from either of these any more after being introduced to Gomusicnow.com (or any of the other 25 similar sites). 9 cents per song, or ~$.80-$1.5 per ALBUM. Quality 320 for most newer albums and 220-300 for older. Can't beat it.

    xbox 360 logo png. XBOX 360 LOGO
  • XBOX 360 LOGO

  • theBB
    Jul 21, 02:56 PM
    Let's face it: Apple is a monopoly, but with such a small market share, it is a monopoly that we have freely chosen to deal with. We Mac consumers cannot go to the DOJ and claim we have no alternatives (just because your alternatives suck doesn't mean you don't have them.) If Apple were wildly successful and exceeded this threshold market share, their business model may be interfered with by the government.
    First, being a monopoly is not a crime. Using your dominant market power to eliminate competitors in your or other fields could be a crime. It is called "Anti-Trust Act", not "Anti-Monopoly Act."

    Yes, Apple is the only supplier if you want to run OSX, but OSX is not a "market." It is one of many operating systems out there. That's like saying Ford is a monopoly, because Ford does not let you buy a Ford from another manufacturer.

    xbox 360 logo png. http://avatar.xboxlive.com/
  • http://avatar.xboxlive.com/

  • maflynn
    Sep 17, 06:45 AM
    Here's my latest acquisition to the flynn family. I got it from a member here at MR in the Marketplace.

    I needed a portable computer to supplement my desktop, for when I travel (which is infrequent). This is why I opted for a netbook, I needed the ability to connect to my companies network and access programs/computers/servers (something an iPad cannot do) and also hold my photos when I do travel.

    The used mini fit that bill, its a hackintosh, so I still get to use OSX, its cheap, small and functional.

    xbox 360 logo png. Xbox 360 | 1 Comment »
  • Xbox 360 | 1 Comment »

  • Alisstar
    Apr 23, 10:13 PM
    Interesting that after last year's "lost phone" debacle we see another "leaked" phone at around the same time as last year. I really thought that wasn't going to be the case anymore with Apple's phones. And considering that the iPhone 4S/5 is being rumored to be released in September, I find the timing far more surprising. I like surprises, though.

    xbox 360 logo png. xbox 360 logo wallpaper. del
  • xbox 360 logo wallpaper. del

  • BlizzardBomb
    Jul 24, 04:45 PM
    I'm just praying that Apple get the price right. Personally, I prefer tilt wheels to scroll wheels.

    xbox 360 logo png. Controller clip art
  • Controller clip art

  • cybrscot
    Mar 31, 02:35 PM
    That is really, really ugly. Like, really ugly. I cannot imagine having that brown turd interface open on my second monitor all day... blargh!

    I like it, it looks user friendly. Maybe they will allow you to change the color?

    Jul 11, 03:08 PM
    After really looking at the photo, either Micro**** literally gave the 3G iPod plastic surgery or that is completely Photoshopped. It is SO similar to the 3G iPod with added ugliness to make it Genuine Micro****.

    After looking at that photo I believe it's an ergonomic nightmare. Well, maybe not exactly a nightmare but certainly it's not the most ergonomic of designs. Having the play/pause button on the bottom right like that forces your thumb into an unnatural position to operate it.

    Bearing this in mind, I proclaim this image REAL!!! :D

    Only Microsoft would produce a design as dumb as that.

    Lets hope when it ships they get class action after class action for people claiming it gives them RSI


    www.expodition.com - for iPod users who love to travel

    Apr 25, 10:59 PM
    Thanks! You are now my favorite God.
    Was I your favorite god beforehand?

    Apr 14, 01:05 PM
    Not here. Still have that issue on 4.3.1 on new (restored from backup) iPad 2.

    Tried restoring and setting it up as new?

    Apr 26, 12:07 PM
    They charge for everything else, so what's new?!

    With our UK tax, it will be just another cash cow.

    May 2, 03:48 AM
    Since when was burial at sea a Muslim tradition? :confused:
    A decade to find him and all in a matter of hours had killed him, run DNA tests to confirm his identity, and jettisoned his body into the ocean. A 180 degrees in work ethic.....

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