السبت، 14 مايو 2011

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  • gnasher729
    Apr 22, 04:14 AM
    Even more entertaining is the fact that Apple is so arrogant they fail to realize how stupid they look.

    Suing their biggest vendor.

    It doesn't get any more stupid than that.

    Samsung is so arrogant, they fail to realize how stupid they look.

    Ripping off their biggest customer. Then suing their biggest customer.

    It doesn't get any more stupid than that.

    What is apple complaining about

    I think this is a lawsuit its best for everyone to avoid.

    Another repost of this picture that was long since debunked. The picture claims that the Samsung F700 was showed first on Cebit 2006. If you google for "Samsung Cebit 2006" and then for "Samsung Cebit 2007", the first finds lots of photos of Samsung phones that look completely different than any iPhone, the second finds a tech website that dug out a link to their own reporting from Cebit 2007 where the F700 was shown as a reply to the iPhone and the LG phone.

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  • joekun
    Apr 29, 02:51 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I think amazon should use a better compression format, but at nearly half the price the same song on iTunes, apple has a tough sell.

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  • 87vert
    Sep 12, 07:17 PM
    Played the back 9 at http://www.pittsburghgolf.com/

    Played terrible but did see a red fox out on the course. :D

    Took the photo with my iPhone 4 for a ways away (Probably 50 yards) used the HDR setting, came out a lot better than the non HDR photo.

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  • raygungirl
    Apr 27, 04:49 AM
    That video is disgusting for a million reasons, which have all already been brought up in this thread, so I won't bring them up again. I'm glad the victim is all right, I was worried there might be some serious damage.

    Also, just wanted to weigh in on the "big hands" thing - I'm a woman, born a woman, never any question about it, but my hands are as big as most men's, especially considering I'm only 5'4". So are you going to beat me up just in case I'm a man?

    I'll just put this out there: People who freak you out are not necessarily a threat to you, no matter how much they freak you out. And just because someone's sexual/gender preferences are outside your definition of normal does NOT mean that they're a frigging pedophile. That is such a leap in logic it's making my head spin. It's also really offensive. It's just as offensive as if I assumed that because of your race (whatever it is), you're more likely to molest MY child. That's not fair, is it? Doesn't make sense, does it? So you shouldn't make that assumption about a transgender person, either.

    And don't give me any of this "race isn't a choice but gender is" BS. That's a common excuse and it's an incorrect assumption. Nobody would choose to live as a gender they didn't identify with if they didn't feel they needed to. If you've ever lived and struggled with something you were mortified to let anyone know, you'd have more sympathy for this transgendered woman. It must be nice to be you, but not everybody has it so great. Show a little empathy and don't automatically assume everyone is out to get you.

    Oh, and using the "you don't have kids so you don't know" argument is the biggest load of ********* I can imagine. But it's nice to know that when I'm finally a parent, it means I can become an absolutely horrible human being. No better role model for a kid than a close-minded bigot, I always say.

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  • ivan2002
    Apr 13, 10:22 PM
    Anyone actually planning on buying this? Especially with a refresh right around the corner?

    There is no refresh anywhere on the horizon. In fact, the refresh is not coming for sure before September, and there is currently no indication at all at what point after September would it come.

    If this state of affairs remains when the white is available for purchase, I am buying it. I just couldn't bring myself to buy the black 4 as I never thought that the design measures up to that "Apple pop" the way the white one does. So, my 3G is pretty beat up by now, and I never dared to upgrade to iOS 4 for fear it will slow it to a crawl, so I am well behind in apps too.

    Plus, it looks like we are having trouble thinking up even a wish list for iPhone 5, which I suspect is the main reason why it's not coming soon: there is not much to add to iPhone 4 (except as I said before in design, which for my taste white fixes at least in the visual appeal).

    design background blog. Abstract Design Background
  • Abstract Design Background

  • Stella
    Apr 14, 03:09 PM
    Jailbroken already, albeit, tethered!


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  • Nermal
    Nov 3, 01:37 PM
    At least the interface looks like an OS X application. I've always hated Parallels mega cheesy Longhorn icon looking crappy interface.

    Indeed. I was appalled when Apple started promoting it!

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  • mgguy
    May 2, 01:23 AM
    Oh yeah, the game is over. This will be seen as Obama doing what Bush could not, no matter what. Everyone at Fox News has to be crying in their beer right now.

    No. It's still the economy stupid.

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  • Eric374
    Apr 30, 05:37 PM
    seriously? so does Apple, where's your outrage?
    how much is OSX again? maybe it would just be easier if you listed all the Apple software that is priced around $1.10

    How much is Windows Ultimate??? $320. How much is OSX? $129 for the boxed set that includes Snow Leopard, iLife and iWork. Which is the better deal? OSX hands down, because I can still run that on my 5 year old machine. Can't say that for Windows.

    On the Android side, how many Android phones that are selling now as new are running the latest version of Android?

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  • NeoMac
    Oct 28, 01:45 PM
    I'm hoping for a new DSLR Camera Kit with all the goodies, Some Star Wars Toys, I am a collector ;) and a couple games, dvd's & books.

    design background blog. and Design background and
  • and Design background and

  • woolfgang
    Jul 25, 10:21 AM
    I tried the MM that came with my last computer, and I thought it sucked. Steve Jobs is brilliant, but also stubborn. He didn't want to make a 2 button mouse, so he found a way to make a mouse that didn't actually have 2 buttons, but could work like it did. I have a Logictech that works amazingly. It's comfortable, and I can do everything really fast and easy. I think most people that do/will buy the MM, do so because it's Apple.

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  • my DIY Blog Design blog

  • iphone3gs16gb
    May 1, 10:34 PM
    I thank our special forces for killing and capturing that arab scumbag.

    The U.S. carried out its promise :)

    Now I wonder who is next?

    The President is addressing the American people!

    design background blog. design background.
  • design background.

  • Naimfan
    Apr 28, 02:28 PM
    But if no one called 911, they could be in violation of local laws that make it a crime to ignore a violent crime.

    There is no legal duty to assist, and laws requiring otherwise are unconstitutional and thus unenforceable.

    design background blog. Create the Design#39;s Background
  • Create the Design#39;s Background

  • NickZac
    Jan 1, 05:51 PM
    So I concede. You guys are right, and I am wrong.

    Why concede? I think we are examining obesity pretty well as a group. Furthermore, the current level of obesity is really everyone's problem, as the level affects our society as a whole.

    This lady in question though blows my mind as the article has framed it to appear that her goal is to gain weight. Perhaps the article misinterpreted what she meant.

    design background blog. Videobackground69 in Creative Use Of Video in Web Design: Background Videos middot; Aaron Ohlmann Aaron Ohlmann is an editor, producer and documentarian with an
  • Videobackground69 in Creative Use Of Video in Web Design: Background Videos middot; Aaron Ohlmann Aaron Ohlmann is an editor, producer and documentarian with an

  • DewGuy1999
    Sep 14, 07:53 AM
    Disagree about the LP album being even close to good, but I stated that before:rolleyes:

    CD's? That's still just about all I purchase, beside my vinyl collection:D I want a physical copy for everything, and I like to have the artwork, AND get it signed by the artist when I see them live. I also get the ticket and place it behind the CD holder in the case. With my Genelec 1030A's I can tell if it's an MP3 or not:p Now where did the sweet spot between my speakers go again:rolleyes:

    And on top of all that, it's your property to do with as you please...forever.:)

    design background blog. Videobackground28 in Creative Use Of Video in Web Design: Background Videos middot; Sick City Club Sick City Club is an indie rock quartet from Birmingham,
  • Videobackground28 in Creative Use Of Video in Web Design: Background Videos middot; Sick City Club Sick City Club is an indie rock quartet from Birmingham,

  • thecharlesmoore
    Apr 27, 08:05 AM
    Oh well. I'm not gonna be Apple's annual bitch again.

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  • buckers
    Apr 22, 04:59 PM
    Have to admit, I think that mock-up looks really ugly. Just my opinion.

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  • ackground design,

  • LethalWolfe
    Apr 29, 03:03 PM
    Apple pays 70% straight to the record companies, which would be $0.90. If Amazon pays the same, then they have $0.21 loss before they even start. Or Amazon gets different prices than Apple, which would need some explaining.
    I wouldn't be surprised if it was a loss leader nor would I be surprised if different retailers had different costs associated with the products they sell. The local gas station, Wal-mart, and Costco typically don't pay the same price for the products they sell and I don't see why the online retail game would be any different.


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  • mandis
    Apr 13, 04:55 PM
    It will probably cost twice the price of the equivalent LG/Samsung and at first will only offer half the features.:rolleyes:

    Jul 28, 10:13 AM
    I wonder if they have appropriated another $4 BILLION to blow in an effort to overtake a market leader a la XBox...

    Apr 22, 04:31 PM
    they should just keep the current iphone design (sans the fragile glass back), make it just a tad thinner with a 3.7 or 4 inch screen, and longer battery life. that mock up is fugly, and looks uncomfortable to hold if that thin.

    Oct 24, 08:38 AM
    Anyone called the stores yet to see if they are in stock? Dont want to barrage them with calls...

    Apr 7, 11:38 PM
    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5222/5594130162_e210b78de6_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/22077805@N07/5594130162/)

    Nice sky and perspective!

    http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3388/3624046313_8273c206fb_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/dailymatador/3624046313/)

    Apr 24, 10:34 PM
    wait, they have WHITE iPhone 4's now? :p

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