السبت، 14 مايو 2011

collegehumor show

collegehumor show. The CollegeHumor Show (Set)
  • The CollegeHumor Show (Set)

  • Ommid
    Apr 25, 12:46 PM
    Grab a U2711:)

    Thanks for that, already have the U3011 ;)

    collegehumor show. The CollegeHumor Show | Ep 4
  • The CollegeHumor Show | Ep 4

  • chanerz
    Sep 14, 11:23 AM
    Call of duty Black Ops http://www.ebgames.com/Catalog/ProductDetails.aspx?product_id=83935

    collegehumor show. the collegehumor show
  • the collegehumor show

  • mc68k
    Oct 29, 05:53 PM
    Let us know what time per frame and PPD you get...this thing is slow as *****. i may turn off hyperthreading and see if that makes a diff

    collegehumor show. humordec The+collegehumor+
  • humordec The+collegehumor+

  • Patdt13
    Jan 29, 08:44 AM
    Saw 127 Hours then went to Texas Roadhouse for the girlfriends birthday. I'm still squirming from the 'scene' and stuffed from the food.



    I loved that movie, easily my favorite movie ever.

    collegehumor show. The CollegeHumor Show#39;s
  • The CollegeHumor Show#39;s

  • QCassidy352
    Jul 10, 10:43 AM
    great news. I'd love to use iwork instead of office which is slow and crashy, but pages just doesn't cut it for me right now. What I'd really love is for pages to have a "notebook" kind of view like word does because that's much more convenient for taking notes in class.

    collegehumor show. The CollegeHumor Show is an
  • The CollegeHumor Show is an

  • Erwin-Br
    Mar 31, 04:57 PM
    One of the things I used to hate about Windows were those programs that used their own butt-ugly skins. Seems that Lion is moving in that direction as well.

    *sigh* I know uniformity went out the window with iTunes, but this is getting ridiculous now.

    collegehumor show. Watch college-humor Series
  • Watch college-humor Series

  • Mal
    Jul 26, 08:53 PM
    Mr Blah, your name seems to be appropriate. No one looks at a tower and says, "Hey, that looks like a really innovative computer." However, how many people think that (maybe not in those exact words, but the idea) about the iMac? I'd venture to guess a lot more than ever thought that about a Dell. That's why Apple's viewed as the leader in the computer industry even by a lot of people who don't have or even want Macs. If Apple sacrificed that for the sake of perceived benefit on the part of the same people that go for Dells because they're "tools", they're not going to gain anything. Apple survives and flourishes by being the technology leaders, not by copying overused designs like towers.


    collegehumor show. 20110312 - The CollegeHumor Show - same knight as us - vlcsnap-20110312-20h21m07s037. The CollegeHumor Show caught us on to the fact that the
  • 20110312 - The CollegeHumor Show - same knight as us - vlcsnap-20110312-20h21m07s037. The CollegeHumor Show caught us on to the fact that the

  • roosta
    Apr 15, 06:00 PM
    Merlot - I like it!

    maybe osx 11 can be named after whales. as each release gets more and more bloated the name would reflect that - os 11 narwhal, os 11.9 blue. not sure how marketing's going to handle sperm though.

    collegehumor show. miss The+collegehumor+show
  • miss The+collegehumor+show

  • ScottInTheOC
    Mar 17, 10:19 AM
    Any reports from Irvine Spectrum?? Mission Viejo??

    I got called in early, couldn't make it. I can leave now, but don't want a repeat of yesterday....

    I'm just looking for a 16GB WIFI, Black preferred.... :)

    collegehumor show. The CollegeHumor Show » MTV
  • The CollegeHumor Show » MTV

  • tann
    Apr 22, 04:40 PM
    Maybe I'm just picky, but it looks like it might be TOO thin! Like I preferred the 3rd gen iPod touches because they seemed to be the best thickness, the 4th gen took it too far and having the volume and lock buttons on the curve felt weird and not as nice :/

    I'll still buy it though lol.

    collegehumor show. shot the collegehumor show
  • shot the collegehumor show

  • rdlink
    Apr 22, 08:59 PM
    So what?

    No one will deny the success Apple has, yet its not good enough for this greedy CEO and company.

    They are just out of control. Pure unadulterated gluttony.

    Dude, you're just all over the place here. Your unmitigated hatred for a company has you flipping back and forth, and arguing against those who agree with you.

    First of all, I think it's hilarious in and of itself that earlier in this forum you went on about how you'd rather be seen with your Galaxy S in public, because you don't want anyone to think you're a douche. Screw what other people think. If you care what others think you're just as bad as them.

    But even funnier, you then come back in a later post and say that your self image is not tied to your phone. Seems completely contradictory to me. On the one hand, your are embarrassed to be seen with your iPhone. On the other, your self image is not affected by your phone. Hmmm.

    Another interesting tidbit. On an earlier post you mention "this town" as NYC. Then later in another post you talk about "here" in LA and Orange County. I know you're located in the "Western Hemisphere", but you sure get around.

    You're outed. You're a troll.

    collegehumor show. The. collegehumor. show.
  • The. collegehumor. show.

  • bella92108
    Jun 6, 08:38 PM
    Let me guess: you're not a racist, but...

    Sorry, Shaniqwa was the first name I could think of when I thought of 8 kids and irresponsible parenting. My apologies.

    collegehumor show. collegehumor show episode
  • collegehumor show episode

  • BrianMojo
    Jul 25, 12:35 PM
    Here's a radical suggestion, very unlikely to be implemented, but maybe interesting.

    The iPod has a screen on the front which displays the controls, but the touch/presence/motion sensitive sensor is on the back. Since the controls are on the back, your view of the screen isn't obscured by your finger tapping on it.

    But how do you see exactly where your fingers are? Simple - the "None Touch" sensor detects where your fingers are, and superimposes a representation of their position on the screen - it's almost like a transparent iPod, where your fingers behind the iPod are shown on the screen in front.


    - your fingers aren't obscuring your view of the screen
    - you're not smudging or scratching the screen by tapping on it.


    collegehumor show. The CollegeHumor Show Premiere Party
  • The CollegeHumor Show Premiere Party

  • boursin
    Sep 12, 10:35 PM
    Where did you get this from?


    collegehumor show. The CollegeHumor Show | Photos
  • The CollegeHumor Show | Photos

  • wizard
    Apr 15, 11:01 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Learn from Google? What has Google developed that's anything close to an OS? And no, Chrome OS doesn't count...it's a giant web browser, with Cloud Apps...


    By that same vein, what has Apple ever developed that's anything close to a OS ? And no, Mac OS X, a bunch of components bought/taken from the open source community doesn't count... it's just a Unix distribution with a GUI layer on top. :rolleyes:

    It's easy to discount anything going with that mentality. The fact is, Chrome OS is as much an undertaking as OS X was. It's more than just a "Web browser" since web browsers cannot be booted and don't provide graphical sub-systems, input management and process scheduling obviously.

    (yes, I do realise Mac OS Classic existed).

    And to answer your question directly : Android. ;)

    Android what a laugh! The OS is Linux which they effectively forked. The SDK is built on a Java work alike, a work a like that has a questionable amount of others people's code in it. On top of that they purchased the company that started out developing the concept of Android.

    It is reasonable to question if Android is even an ethical product. I don't think it is thus I steer people away from it. I don't want to discount the intelligence of the people working at Google, but I don't think the management there has any respect for the property of others. Android is just one factor here, google has problems with copyright and the concept of personal property.

    collegehumor show. was that CollegeHumor show
  • was that CollegeHumor show

  • shandn
    Apr 15, 12:42 PM
    Are you guys for real?

    I'm not really into apple or apple products, but there is no big mystery behind the string ix.Mac.MarketingName (except for 'Mac', that is)

    'ix' is and object or a variable in whatever programming language they've written this in.

    'Mac' and 'MarketingName' are either methods or keys (in a hash) belonging to the 'ix' variable/object.

    Let me illustrate with a simple javascript/JSON variable:

    var ix = {

    collegehumor show. Watch college-humor Series
  • Watch college-humor Series

  • cr2sh
    Jul 24, 06:29 PM
    (Looks at watch)

    Is it time for another ****** apple mouse already?

    collegehumor show. The CollegeHumor Show.á
  • The CollegeHumor Show.á

  • jeff1977
    Apr 12, 09:47 AM

    Simply because htcSensation is 1.2GHz dual core

    and... and... iphone5 will have lesser RAM than htcSensation.

    Also, Apple is closed and Google is open.


    Just buy what you like, but being all anal about specs is lame. Having the currently superior specs isn't gonna make anyone's penis any bigger, despite what you may think.

    collegehumor show. The CollegeHumor Show#39;s
  • The CollegeHumor Show#39;s

  • LethalWolfe
    Apr 30, 01:07 AM
    I'm not sure at what price point predatory pricing becomes an issue, but I would think that Amazon may have crossed that line.
    Predatory pricing becomes an issue for Amazon after it dominates the market place and sets its prices significantly lower than the competition in an attempt to drive them out of business. So, let Amazon capture 70% or 80% more of the legal music download market and then maybe bring up predatory pricing.

    If Amazon is selling music at a loss per song, then the FTC might have a say about that.
    Has no one in this thread heard of a 'loss leader' before? Movie tickets at a theater? Loss leader. Gas from a gas station? Loss leader. Anything on sale (especially Black Friday)? Loss leader. iTunes Store? Yup, some loss leading going on there too.

    Link (http://www.theregister.co.uk/2003/11/07/your_99c_belong/)
    "We would like to break even/make a little bit of money but it's not a money maker," he said, candidly.
    When the conversation turned to rivals such as eTunes and Napster, Jobs said: "They don't make iPods, so they don't have a related business where they do [make money]".

    Link (http://www.businessinsider.com/2008/5/steve-jobs-movie-deal-a-loss-leader-for-apple)

    iTunes' big studio deal announced yesterday? It's going to be an expensive one for Steve Jobs who's taking a loss on each film sold. Some terms from the WSJ: Apple (APPL) is paying $16 to the studios for each new release, and will sell the films to consumers for $14.99.


    Jul 25, 02:52 AM
    come on.... 120GB!!! or more...

    Apr 28, 12:12 PM
    No. No. No.

    Comparing Android vs. iOS : fine

    But why the arbitrary distinction of "phones". It's an OS that can be run on multiple devices. Do you compare Mac laptop share vs. Windows laptop share? (In any meaningful context, that is)?

    Phones are different. Regarding your example you can have "anything vs anything" so sure Mac Laptop share can be compared to windows laptop share. Just as Windows desktop share can be compared to Linux Desktop share.

    Sure we are talking OS here, but without the hardware.. the OS doesnt mean anything and vice versa.

    Oct 23, 01:57 PM
    So, lets say you have Vista in Parallels - and a service or security update comes out. Could you still download it? I have a W2000 SP1 legally but it still doesn't let me update, giving me some error that our IT persons couldn't understand...:mad:

    Oct 29, 05:53 PM
    Let us know what time per frame and PPD you get...this thing is slow as *****. i may turn off hyperthreading and see if that makes a diff

    Apr 27, 12:37 PM
    I actually know that many here have shared the same view as mine, that It's painfully obvious she wasn't having a seizure. Must of been a coincidence the seizure happened right at door exit then? Purposely done to avoid being taken outside, where she would of been in severe trouble.

    Nice metric you have there, $some people on the internet have said it, thus it must be true.


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