الثلاثاء، 17 مايو 2011

magazine spread size

magazine spread size. Bizarre Magazine spread
  • Bizarre Magazine spread

  • seble
    Apr 25, 03:14 PM
    I've got a 2.5 yr old MacBook that is feeling stretched with Aperture. I've been thinking that an iMac / iPad combination would be a good replacement.

    Anyone with experience in getting iPads to work with iMacs (specifically remote access)?

    Whaa? That young? I have a 4 year old MBP that just about copes with aperture.

    magazine spread size. magazine spread size. spread
  • magazine spread size. spread

  • Surely
    Jan 30, 02:12 AM
    I bought a round trip ticket for my mother to come out here for a two week visit. It was very spur of the moment, and I'm glad she agreed to it.


    magazine spread size. magazine spread size.
  • magazine spread size.

  • chrmjenkins
    Apr 22, 02:03 PM
    That's typical Apple. Intel chipset does not support USB 3.0? No USB 3.0 for Apple fans!

    It's not built into the current Intel platform standards. That doesn't mean it doesn't support it. Most of Intel's reference boards even include it.

    NVIDIA GPUs do not work with SandyBridge? Stick with outdated C2D CPUs for years.

    Nvidia GPUs work fine with the Sandy Bridge platform. The problem was that they were not licensed to make chipsets for intel processors past the Montevina platform.

    What's more important - CPU/chip or case? In case of Apple, the case always wins. Apple is all about image. Once designed, the case should stay unchanged for many years. Apple will wait until somebody designs a "suitable" chip. Is not it kind of backward?

    Apple is using the same CPUs as everyone else, for which their enclosures are extremely competitive in terms of dimensions.

    Then we hear excuses from Apple fans why Apple could not use separate USB 3.0 controller. This would require redesign of the motherboard - Wow! Think of it - redesigning a motherboard! Some companies redesign tens of motherboards every year but Apple? No way. Now iPhone users will be stuck with outdated technology for a year or two and they will be feeding us all kinds of excuses why LTE can not be used in iPhone. Just ridiculous.

    There's no question that two radio chips would have caused the tiny logic board inside the iPhone 4 to grow. That means the battery gets smaller or they make some other sort of sacrifice which potentially changes the housing. Too much work to release the same iPhone on a different network, especially since apple wouldn't want to sacrifice battery life.

    Since apple has to design to the greatest common denominator, I doubt they'd increase the size of the phone given the number of outspoken size critics on this forum.

    magazine spread size. of the magazine spread I
  • of the magazine spread I

  • MattMJB0188
    May 4, 09:51 AM
    I don't understand one thing. Why can't Apple confirm this themselves? That way people will at least know what they can do. Either you wait or you move onto to another device.

    magazine spread size. Nicki-MInaj-V-Magazine-Spread
  • Nicki-MInaj-V-Magazine-Spread

  • joepunk
    May 1, 10:15 PM
    Trump probably won't believe it until he sees the death certificate. ;)

    The long form death certificate at that.

    magazine spread size. Fabulous Magazine Spread 3
  • Fabulous Magazine Spread 3

  • lbro
    Apr 29, 08:46 PM
    eldiablojoe obviously. Then well just have to see what happens. Who else did you scan aggie?

    magazine spread size. Magazine Spread
  • Magazine Spread

  • mrblah
    Jul 27, 04:13 PM
    Mr Blah, your name seems to be appropriate. No one looks at a tower and says, "Hey, that looks like a really innovative computer." However, how many people think that (maybe not in those exact words, but the idea) about the iMac? I'd venture to guess a lot more than ever thought that about a Dell. That's why Apple's viewed as the leader in the computer industry even by a lot of people who don't have or even want Macs. If Apple sacrificed that for the sake of perceived benefit on the part of the same people that go for Dells because they're "tools", they're not going to gain anything. Apple survives and flourishes by being the technology leaders, not by copying overused designs like towers.
    Well go and tell that to Dell and their massive market share and we'll see if they take you seriously and change their marketing strategy. Theres ideology and then theres reality, I suggest you take a trip into reality. People may think Apple is innovative but so what? Most people buy whats cheap, not whats innovative, and since Dell isnt innovative in anything they do they can afford to be cheap. We have solid proof that innovation doesnt sell as well as affordability, what is there to argue about exactly? I think Apple is perfectly fine with having such a tiny market share especially since iPod is keeping them afloat (how many billions does Jobs need? Hes probably in no rush to make mroe money), but if Apple fans expect Apple to try and get more market share then they should expect them to lower their prices and offer things like Dell.

    magazine spread size. Hip Teen Magazine Spread
  • Hip Teen Magazine Spread

  • RollTide
    Apr 25, 05:33 PM
    Glad to see another PC Gamer + Mac User on the forums. One day my friend, we could perhaps game on our Macs...one day:( *soft weeping

    Some of the guys I play with online literally joke on me because I'm running flight sims on my Mac. Yet my specs suck and the game/computer works way better than theirs. Go figure.

    Constant teamspeak chatter: I gotta restart be right back ;)

    magazine spread size. Digital Magazine Spread With
  • Digital Magazine Spread With

  • Carlson-online
    Apr 28, 04:11 PM
    iphone 4 white is so yesterdays news . i want to know when the humancentipad is coming out!!!!!

    magazine spread size. Magazine Spread. Size:
  • Magazine Spread. Size:

  • kernkraft
    Oct 26, 09:58 PM
    I want world peace and everybody in the world be safe, fed and loved.

    I'm only kidding. I want my well-deserved anal.

    magazine spread size. Mile High Magazine Spread
  • Mile High Magazine Spread

  • Sined
    Apr 12, 10:43 AM
    I agree. My friend has an HTC with Sense and I love it compared to my slow Samsung TouchWiz interface. It's gotten better with Froyo but still very sluggish.

    As soon as Apple fixes the damn notification system and...preferably gives us some kind of option of customization of a home screen or something (just so its not just a bunch of useless icons), I will switch back to the iPhone. I kind of miss my 3GS.

    That's my main concern with the next iPhone and iOS. Android has really evolved and come along way since its first iterations whereas iOS has started to become a tad bit stale, even with jailbreaking.

    magazine spread size. In Elle Magazine Spread
  • In Elle Magazine Spread

  • tCdemon
    Apr 28, 05:53 PM
    We'll just have to grind it... :D

    maybe it has something to do with the antennagate issue

    Someone should make a business out of this...

    magazine spread size. Ea – VIBE Magazine Spread
  • Ea – VIBE Magazine Spread

  • daio
    Apr 14, 03:30 AM
    Once you get over the delusion of Macs running iOS apps, the Apple TV 2 makes the most sense.

    So why does iBooks also have this code name? iBooks would be lousy on AppleTV. Also "Find my iPhone", "Remote" and "Atari's Greatest Hits" also have it.

    One more thing, it is impossible for me to write reviews on the App Store at the moment, it simply scrolls to the top and doesnt show the Review form. Perhaps they are reworking the App Store???

    magazine spread size. Magazine Spread
  • Magazine Spread

  • Rot'nApple
    Apr 23, 10:22 PM
    What product will the T-Mobile chic bash now??? :rolleyes:

    You know how fickle women can be, so does it really matter?! :rolleyes:

    Oops, just made somebody's hit list. :eek: Let me rephrase that... :cool:

    As a woman, the T-Mobile "chic" has the right to change her mind! Thus probably will bash Android Fragmentation! :D

    Yes, Dear...

    magazine spread size. Size: 601x850 Filesize: 279.04
  • Size: 601x850 Filesize: 279.04

  • MacNut
    May 1, 10:07 PM
    This could really hurt Trumps campaign.

    magazine spread size. Fabulous Magazine Spread 4
  • Fabulous Magazine Spread 4

  • dreary
    Apr 24, 04:11 AM
    this isnt shop lifting, this is a human fighting for their dear life. getting paid 5 dollars an hr is not more important than a human life in my eyes..i bet if it wasnt a lgbt creature then people would of tried to block the savage teens from their cruel acts. :mad:

    magazine spread size. 1/2 page horizontal spread
  • 1/2 page horizontal spread

  • wordoflife
    Apr 29, 03:06 PM
    I am buying my music from where it is cheapest. If Apple wants me to buy from them, they know what they need to do.

    magazine spread size. View Full Size. 6 of 7
  • View Full Size. 6 of 7

  • Kyffin
    Oct 23, 12:02 PM
    ^ This

    magazine spread size. coral gables living magazine spread. Something about cupcakes makes people feel young again. quot;They turn into 5-year-olds,quot; observes Colleen Bell,
  • coral gables living magazine spread. Something about cupcakes makes people feel young again. quot;They turn into 5-year-olds,quot; observes Colleen Bell,

  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 23, 12:26 PM
    Those are companies people don't get attached to. Apple and other tech companies are a much more personal choice, generally. It probably also helps because those people are excited that Apple is making more money, allowing them to deliver more new and innovative products then would be possible with lower cash flow.

    I guess I must be old school, I'm a consumer and I think about my wallet before the corporations treasure chest. Apple isn't pumping most of the profits back int the company or paying it out to shareholders. It's sitting in the bank. Or maybe they have something unimaginably huge in mind and I guess that is a possibility.

    Apr 26, 12:09 PM
    $20 a year seems pretty reasonable.

    Jul 24, 10:00 PM
    This sounds like a brilliant concept. If it ever makes it into a shipping product I suspect Apple would utilise it to maintain the protective layer of plastic over the screen like current iPods instead of exposing the fragile LCD/OLED display. The users could scroll directly on the iPod housing instead of having to float their finger in the air above the display.

    Jul 24, 04:16 PM
    Good timing :)

    Since my MBP arrived, I've been toying with the idea of moving the Mac Mini downstairs and hooking it up to the TV. Already bought myself a copy of Remote Buddy and a Keyspan Remote control. A bluetooth Mighty Mouse would match up nicely.

    I already have a Logitech bluetooth mouse, but it requires a charging station. I'd rather keep the number of cables, docks and misc. paraphernalia down to a minimum in the living room. A basic AA-driven mouse would be great.

    Oct 18, 04:26 PM
    Nice bump in the stock...AAPL up 5.5% in after hours trading.

    Apr 28, 11:22 AM
    I'm honestly surprised by a lot of you. The whole "no single android phone outsells the iPhone!" argument, is foolish and weak. It's a platform war. You basically get ONE CHOICE with the iPhone. Now it's a great choice, but of course it's going to be a top seller as a result. There are so many good Android choices out there that a single model isn't going to dwarf the others. Since there are, you know, options? As a platform it seems iOS is getting whooped on. Does that not register, or are people that much in denial?

    Now myself, I like my iPhone, but come on...in this case we are talking about platforms...So weird...

    It's a platform war, but not in the way that a lot of people think it is. Developers are making a lot more money on iOS because it has a lot more users and those users tend to buy things. Therefore, those users are going to get the developers' attention first. That may change later, but for now, it's not going to.

    The marketshare game does not work in this battle, at least not for now. And it's not an even fight in more ways than one. When Apple goes to all carriers (it will in time) in the US, this is all going to look a lot different. Android may still "win" in terms of sheer numbers, but it will be a much closer fight, and iPhone will still have the mind share.

    I knew a lot of my friends and family would go iPhone once it went to Verizon, but I am really really surprised to find out that it's a lot more people than I even thought. One friend of mine JUST got her Droid 2 a few months ago and dumped it immediately for the Verizon iPhone the other day. She was a self proclaimed "Android person".

    People who settled for Android are changing their tune. This is going to get really interesting.

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